I am dedicating this post to the honey bee. The little pest that frequently sends little children screaming away from it. Yesterday I had the not-so-pleasant experience of stepping on one of these little jerks and I got stung, big time. At first I didn't know I had been stung, I thought that maybe I had stepped on a prickle or something, but after a few steps the pain grew and I lifted up my foot to find the little twerp still on the bottom of my toe! I flicked it away, but the stinger was still left in my toe. I sat down to pull it out and pretty much got it, but man! I had forgotten how bad a bee sting can hurt! I was fighting back tears and telling myself that I was being a baby. After 5 or 10 minutes the initial pain went away, but it still hurt. Throughout the day, my toe began to swell. You would have though I had like...sprained my toe or something. Anyway, so even now, the next day, my toe is still slightly swollen and so is the toe next to it and last night I woke up because the tops of my toes were itching, which is not even where I got stung! Perhaps toes are just sensitive to bee poison.

Though they are annoying, they are really quite fascinating.