Friday, July 11, 2008

Bee sting update

I don't know why so many people are so concerned about the bees dying out....I'm all for it.

So Thursday night I had ice on my foot because it felt good, but I look down and it looked like my foot had been inflated. Not cool. Here are the pictures.

And this is what my foot looks like friday morning. Not quite as swollen, but a little more purple by my toes.


THE_PI said...

you know if bee were to die out it would kinda suck considering that they pollinate most of our food and without them we would be up a creek with out a paddle. or anything to eat while we are looking for a paddle. :-)

Cait the Great said...

Yes, I know, but do you realize that I'm probably going to be one of those dumb girls that freaks out and screams whenever a bee comes near, now?